Coronavirus: we continue to work without interruption and can assist you with your digital transformation! Contact Us

Data is one of the most valuable assets for doing business today, but unlocking and leveraging its value can be challenging, as many companies are operating fragmented data environments, multiple digital technologies and may also lack the necessary analytical expertise internally.

We can help our clients analyse datasets and establish more effective business analytics to underpin their decision making. Regardless of whether our clients require a highly focused analysis or comprehensive analytic support, we focus on providing control over their data environments and data-driven, actionable solutions.

Helping our clients understand their data and empowering them to leverage it for valuable insights, intelligent workflows and strategic decision making increases their business resilience and profits. Data analysis services can support companies of any size and all of their business processes; whether that is to lower the costs of general operations or increase revenue through more targeted and effective marketing.

Our data analysis services are always based on and tailored to our clients’ needs, but can include:

  • Big data analysis and data mining to spot business trends, identify new opportunities, as well as providing support around big data challenges such as capturing, storing and visualising data
  • Machine learning for SEO; automatically optimising search engine based marketing, making it more effective and reducing ongoing SEO costs
  • Dataset analyses, which can include data quality audits, basic statistical analysis, identifying commonalities, patterns and valuable outliers in datasets, as well as assessing missing variables
  • Data cleaning to optimise workflow and analytical productivity or support successful data-migration and digital transformations
  • Visualising company data to simplify data-driven decision making
  • Data capture; establishing and automating the process of collecting data that is then processed and leveraged for business decision making